"Amy taught me how to close read, write a thesis statement and construct an argument with evidence. And they were skills I used throughout my college career. I highly recommend her! Plus, she's also great at helping with personal statements; I'm certain her advice helped me with getting into the college of my choice."
— J.W., student
"I wanted to thank you for your support of M. Meeting with you and taking steps to catch up and organize have made a difference. I see a happier boy at home who feels better about school and about himself because he felt well prepared on the recent writing assessment. Again, our family thanks you."
— J.T., parent
"Your kind, gentle way of teaching is exactly what he needs and I've watched him begin to blossom under your loving care. Thank you so, so much and for helping him along, for really teaching him, step by step, how to handle these big overwhelming assignments. Thank you for listening and working with me, for taking the time to hear my concerns and for your genuine care and concern for O.'s well-being. I am so appreciative and grateful."
— A.H., parent